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The Small Paw Print

The T&C’s

Dog Walking and Dog Day Care Services Terms and Conditions

Herein after The Dog Bus will be known as the ‘Service Provider’ and the registering person (the pet owner) as ‘The Client’. ‘The Carer’ is the person employed directly or sub-contracted by the Dog Bus to carry out the booking schedule.

Service Agreement

The Client wishes to engage the Service Provider and the Service Provider agrees to undertake the services (hereafter referred to as the “Services”) as set out as per our booking process and in accordance with our terms and conditions” and subject to the service agreement and policies and procedures laid out below. Any reference to pets in this Agreement shall refer to those specified on the registration form.

1. Commencement Date and Duration

1.1. This Agreement shall commence on the date of the first booking and shall continue until terminated in accordance with clause 6.1

2. Services

2.1. The Service Provider shall perform the Services in an attentive, reliable and caring manner, using all reasonable skill and care, having due regard to the Policies & Procedures and any relevant information set out in the Booking Form.

2.2. The Service Provider shall act in accordance with all reasonable instructions given to it by the Client provided such instructions are compatible with the specification of Services provided in the Policies and Procedures.

2.3. The Service Provider shall be responsible for ensuring that it complies with all statutes, regulations, byelaws, standards, code of conduct and any other rules relevant to the provision of Services.

3. Client’s Obligations

3.1. The Client shall use all reasonable endeavours to provide all pertinent information to the Service Provider necessary for the Service Provider’s provision of the Services.

3.2. The Client authorises the Service Provider to carry out the Services.

3.3. The Client agrees that the information provided to the Service Provider is true to the best of their, knowledge and belief.

3.4. The Client confirms that all vaccinations, treatments, licences, permits etc which he is obliged to have by law arising from the ownership of the pet have been obtained.

3.5. The Client may issue reasonable instructions to the Service Provider in relation to the Service Provider’s provision of Services. Any such instructions should be compatible with the specification of Services provided in the Policies and Procedures.

3.6. The Client will be responsible for all medical expenses and damages resulting from any injury to the Service Provider, its employees and agents, or to other persons by the pet.

3.7. The Client shall fully indemnify the Service Provider in respect of costs and damages arising from any claim from any person suffering either injury or death caused by the Client’s pet.

3.8. The Client authorises the Service Provider to arrange for any emergency veterinary care that may be necessary during the provision of its Services. The Service Provider shall use all reasonable efforts to obtain the Client’s consent prior to obtaining emergency care.

3.9. The Client agrees to reimburse the Service Provider for any additional fees and expenses for providing emergency care. The Client further agrees to cover the cost of additional visits which may be necessary to ensure the pet’s safety or to monitor the pet’s progress in recovering from sickness or injury.

3.10. The Service Provider shall use its best efforts to use the pet’s normal Veterinary Surgeon where ever possible. The Client authorises the Service Provider to appoint an alternative Veterinary Surgeon to examine the pet and carry out such treatment or surgery as may be appropriate if the pet’s normal Veterinary Surgeon is not available.

3.11. The Client shall ensure that the Service Provider has access to the Client’s home or other specified location at the times to be agreed between the Service Provider and the Client.

3.12. Any delay in the provision of Services resulting from the Client’s failure or delay in complying with any of the provisions in this Clause 3 shall not be responsibility or fault of the Service Provider.

4. Fees and Payment

4.1. The Service Provider will charge the Client for the Services as quoted in the Booking Form (the “Fees”) and the Client agrees to pay the Service Provider the Fees, promptly when they fall due

4.2. The Client agrees to reimburse the Service Provider for any additional fees for providing emergency care, as well as any expenses incurred for, without limitation, unexpected visits, transportation, housing, food or supplies on proof of a valid receipt

4.3. If the Client fails to make any payment on the due date, then the Service Provider shall, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies of the Service Provider, have the right to charge the Client interest on a daily basis at an annual rate of 8% on the sum due

4.4. Should any payment due under this Agreement remain unpaid for 7 days after it falls due, the Service Provider will be relieved of their contractual obligations under this Agreement to provide the Services until such time as payment is made.

5. Cancellations

5.1. The Service Provider operates a very flexible and fair cancellation scheme whereas clients can cancel bookings at very short notice without charge. However, we reserve the right in repeated circumstances of short notice cancellations to charge as follows:

5.2. In the event of the Client repeatedly cancelling the Services at short notice (within 24hrs of the booking), the Client agrees to pay the Service Provider a fee equal to:

5.2.1. 100% of the Fees if cancellation occurs less than 24 hours of the scheduled service;

5.2.2. 50% of the Fees if cancellation occurs less than 48 hours of the scheduled service;

5.2.3. Without prejudice to clause 9.1, in the event of the Service Provider cancelling or otherwise not being able to provide the Services the Service Provider shall either:

5.2.4. arrange alternative services or providers to a value and quality that would have been provided; or

5.2.5. refund any monies paid under this Agreement for the Services; and

5.2.6. in either case, provide 24 hours’ notice, or if 24 hours is not practical, for example in a sudden event or emergency, notice as soon as it is reasonably possible.

6. Early Termination

6.1. This Agreement can be terminated by;

6.1.1. either Party serving not less than [7] days written notice on the other Party;
6.1.2. the Service Provider, by written notice to the Client with immediate effect, in the event that any Fees or charges owed by the Client to the Service Provider remain outstanding for 28 days.

6.2. The Client shall pay the Service Provider for all fees, expenses and charges incurred up to the date of termination of this Agreement.

7. Insurance

7.1. The Service Provider shall ensure that it has in place at all times suitable and valid insurance that shall include Public Liability Insurance relative to the services performed for the Client.

7.2. It is agreed by the Parties that it is the Client’s responsibility to ensure that the property, its contents and pets are adequately insured throughout the duration of the Agreement.

8. Indemnity and liability

8.1. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the Client resulting from the Client’s failure to follow any instructions given by the Service Provider

8.2. The Client shall accept full liability and responsibility for any event occurring or arising from the behaviour or characteristics of their pet.

8.3. The Client will indemnify the Service Provider against any damage or injury caused by the pet towards any property, person or other animals, but is not limited to veterinary, medical and legal fees.

8.4. The Service Provider shall not be responsible for any damage caused to the Client’s property or possessions or that of others caused by the Client’s pet during the period the pet is in its care. The Client agrees to indemnify the Service Provider against any such claims as may be made against it arising out of or in connection with this Clause.

8.5. The Service Provider accepts no responsibility or liability for the security of the Client’s property or premises, or any loss or damage which may be sustained as the result of action taken by third parties who also have access to the Client’s property or premises either before, during or after the expiry of this Agreement.

8.6. The Service Provider shall not be liable for the injury, loss, death or any actions, fines or penalties as may be imposed on pets permitted unsupervised access to the outdoors.

8.7. The Service Provider will care for your pet as the Client would, and whilst the Service Provider will make every effort to ensure the safety of the pet and ensure that the pet is well looked after in the Client’s absence, the Service Provider cannot be held liable for any loss, illness or injury of any pet whilst in the Service Provider’s care, nor for any death of a pet unless the Service Provider can be shown to be negligent

8.8. The Client is responsible for any veterinary bills, no matter how they are incurred, whilst pets are in the care of the Service Provider. Please see the Veterinary release form below:

8.9. Nothing in this Agreement shall limit or exclude the Service Provider’s liability for death or personal injury.

9. Aggressive or unsocial animals

9.1. Should any pet become aggressive or dangerous, the Service Provider shall, in their sole discretion take whatever action they consider necessary in the best interest of the animal, other animals or people which may be encountered. This may, without limitation, include:

9.1.1. a refusal to offer the Services and immediate termination of this Agreement;
9.1.2. obtaining assistance from a Vet, the R.S.P.CA or the police;
9.1.3. placing the pet in a boarding kennel;

9.2. Any fees and costs incurred in taking action pursuant to clause 9.1 shall be directly chargeable to and recoverable from the Client.

9.3. The Service Provider shall not be liable to the Client for any refund of Fees where the Client has not specified the behaviour and characteristics of the pet in the Booking Form and the Service Provider terminates this Agreement pursuant to clause 9.1.1.

10. Force Majeure

10.1. Neither party shall be liable in damages or have the right to terminate this Agreement for any delay or default in performing its obligations under this Agreement caused by conditions beyond its control including but not limited to acts of God, war, strikes, fires, floods, governmental restrictions or power failures.

10.2. The Party (the “Affected Party”) prevented from carrying out its obligations shall give notice to the other Party of an Event of Force Majeure upon it being foreseen by, or becoming known to, the Affected Party.

11. Assignment

11.1. The Service Provider shall be entitled to perform any of the obligations undertaken by it through any other member of its group or through suitably qualified and skilled sub-contractors. Any act or omission of such other member or sub-contractor shall, for the purposes of this Agreement, be deemed to be an act or omission of the Service Provider.

12. Data Protection

12.1. The Service Provider shall not use or pass to a third party (other than information needed by a carer to perform their duties). All information relating to the client, their property and pet(s) will be stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

13. Entire Agreement

13.1. This Agreement, along with the Booking Form, Policy & Procedures document, Veterinary Release Form constitute the sole and entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior agreements, representations and understandings of the Parties written or verbal. Any alteration of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by both Parties.

14. Notices

14.1. Any notice required to be served under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be served by hand, post or electronic mail.

14.2. Notices shall be deemed served:

14.2.1. upon delivery, when delivered by hand,
14.2.2. upon accepting delivery by signed receipt post/courier, when delivered by using a ‘signed for upon delivery’ postal service or courier.
14.2.3. immediately  following transmission, if by electronic mail provided the sender does not receive a non-delivery message.

15. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

15.1. This Agreement, its formation and any contractual disputes or claims shall be governed by and in accordance with English Law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

15.2. Any Forbearance, tolerance or delay in either party enforcing its contractual or legal rights shall not prejudice, restrict or prevent the right of the injured party to enforce its rights at a later date or later breach.

Policy and procedures

1. Bookings
1.1.Bookings will only be accepted after all the necessary forms have been completed and payment 
agreed in accordance with our price list applicable at that time. Public holidays will be subject to increased rates if worked.
1.2.For new clients, a free in-home consultation will be required before commencement of service.
1.3.Bookings may be accepted up to 24 hours before service begins but will be subject to availability

2. Duty of Care
2.1.The Service Provider highly respects the client’s trust with the care of their pet and where necessary, 
 having access to the client’s property.
2.2.The Service Provider will utilise their skill and knowledge to ensure the standards of care provided to the animals and any property is appropriate.

2.3.A change in a pet’s routine and circumstances can cause varying degrees of distress and unpredictable or abnormal behaviour, particularly if their owner is on holiday, pets have no concept or ability to understand their owner’s absence is temporary and they will be coming back. Our carers understand this and will offer comfort and reassurance whilst trying, as far as is practically possible, and to maintain their normal daily routines
2.4.In the event of extreme weather which may have an adverse effect on your pet e.g. heat or thunder storms, the carer shall, at their sole discretion, s take whatever action they consider necessary, including not carrying out scheduled exercise until it is, in their opinion, safe to do so.

3. Aggressive or unsociable animals
3.1.The client will indemnify the Service Provider against any damage or injury caused by the pet 
 towards any property, person or other animal, this will include, but not limited to veterinary, medical 
 and legal fees
3.2.In the event of a pet’s behaviour exceeding what would be considered normal or acceptable towards people or other animals, the carer shall, in their sole discretion take whatever action they consider necessary in the best interest of the animal and other animals or people which may be encountered. This may include a refusal to walk a dog or in extreme circumstances termination of this contract and placing the pet in a boarding kennel.
3.3. We shall not be liable for any refund of fees paid where the behaviour is not specified within the relevant section of the Schedule of services and Fees.
3.4.It is at our discretion to walk dogs on lead in a pack, otherwise, we will only walk on a solo basis if your dog needs to stay on the lead.

4. Necessities
4.1.The Service Provider will properly dispose of your pet(s) waste.
4.2.The client shall provide sufficient food, cat litter and any treats for their pet(s) for the duration of the service.
4.3.The client shall provide secure collars with name/address tags and leads.

5. House cleanliness
5.1.The carer shall clean up after your pets to the best of their ability
5.2.The client shall make available cleaning materials in the event of any ‘mistakes’ within their 
5.3.The client shall show the Service Provider the location of appropriate cleaning materials, including 
 but not limited to plastic bags, disposable gloves, towels, disinfectant, paper towels and bin bags.
5.4.The Service provider may charge for cleaning where the time or number of occurrences exceeds 
 what would be considered to be acceptable

6. Medicines
6.1.It shall be the sole responsibility to ensure the Service Provider is fully aware of any health issues the 
 pet is experiencing or has suffered in the past, The Service Provider cannot be held liable for any 
 actions or omissions which result in problems or complications for anything not disclosed
6.2.No booking can be accepted without Veterinary Release Permission
6.3.The Service Provider and carer shall follow instruction given within the prices and services provided at the time, but cannot be held liable for any complications which may arise.
6.4.In the event of a pet having a contagious illness or disease which has not been disclosed, the client may be liable for the costs of treatment given to other animals which become infected.

7. Unforeseen Purchases

7.1.In the event that items need to be purchased to enable the carer to properly perform the duties 
 that are necessary as insufficient quantities were left by the client, or it is considered necessary in the interests of the health and wellbeing of the pet, the client shall reimburse the service Provider upon production of a receipt for the products.

8. Keys

8.1. Where it is necessary for the Service Provider to hold keys to a property, the Client shall give consent to and provide one of each key needed. Keys will not have your name, dogs name or address on them but will be coded and kept within a locked system for security. They are carried with the walkers while walking and not left in vehicles.
8.2. Following the booking service period or end of it, The Service Provider will securely retain Client’s key(s) for safekeeping until Client contacts us to arrange repossession of key(s)
8.3 Where a key is left for the Service Provider in a pre-arranged location on the clients’ property or with a designated person, then the Service Provider will not be held responsible for the loss of the key(s) or any subsequent criminal damage that may be incurred to the client’s property. (also see 8.5 of the service agreement)
8.4 In the event of Termination of our services, the Service Provider will not agree to leave your house key on a counter in your home on our last visit due to possible return delays where your home and pets would be left neglected. The safety of your home and pets are our top priority while you are out. This policy will give peace of mind to both The Service Provider and the Client, should arrival home be later than expected.
8.5 Keys will be returned upon completion of this agreement providing all fees due have been paid.

9. Privacy
9.1.It shall be the clients sole responsibility to ensure the information provided to the Service Provider is 
 current and up to date, the Client agrees to accept any decision made by the Service provider or the Client in the event of not being able to contact the Client as a result of wrong information held, if the Service Provider is subjected to any expenditure as a result of the decision that expenditure shall be recoverable from the client
9.2.The Service Provider shall not use or pass to a third party (other than information needed by a carer to perform their duties), All information relating to the client, their property and pet(s) will be stored in accordance with the data Protection Act 1988

10. Insurance
10.1.The service Provider holds and maintains Public Liability Insurance for the peace of mind of its 

10.2.The insurance covers the carer for the services defined and can be asked for at any reasonable time, 

10.3.It shall be the sole responsibility of the client to ensure their property, its contents and pets are 
 adequately insured throughout the duration of the Scheduled Services
10.4.You are advised to check to see if your insurance provider needs informing that someone will have 
 access to your property whilst you are away.

11. Third Parties
11.1.The Client shall advise the Service Provider of anyone who will have access to your property during 
 any periods of the Clients absence, including but not limited to cleaning services, maintenance 
 personnel, friends, family and neighbours,
11.2.The Service Provider or carer shall not be liable for other persons or their actions or omissions who 
 will be in, or have access to your property before, during or after services have been rendered

12. Carers companion
12.1.The carer may have a spouse, family member or friend accompany them whilst providing the 
 scheduled services. No costs will be applied to the clients account for any assistance the companion 

12.2.The client will be advised in advance where a carer wishes to take a companion, all companions 
 will be subjected to whatever checks the Service provider considers necessary or appropriate.

13. Veterinary Release Permission
13.1 During a booking schedule, the Service Provider will be caring for the client’s pet(s). In the event of an emergency or sickness, the Client authorises the Service Provider to authorise a veterinarian to administer medical treatment and will be responsible for payment to the veterinarian for all treatment given. The value of treatment can be added to the pet’s details on the registration form in which case the Service Provider will only authorise the veterinarian to give treatment up to this value.
13.2 The Service Provider will make all efforts to contact the Client or the Clients nominated emergency contact in the event of veterinary treatment being required, but in the absence of such contact will be allowed to do best for the pet.
13.3 If the Clients appointed veterinarian is not available, (or in the case of severe emergency) then the Client authorises the Service Provider to take their pet(s) to the nearest veterinary centre available.

Consent Clauses

Off Lead Permission
If I consent to allow my dog to be walked off lead then I agree to the following:

To allow the Service Provider to walk my dog off its lead during any walk undertaken during my absence. I understand the potential consequences that could occur to my dog or to other dogs if walking my dog off the lead while in the care of the Service Provider.

I agree to release The Service Provider from all liability including its members, agents, managers, and employees should my dog become lost, injured or otherwise harmed which may result in my dog being walked off the lead

The Service Provider agrees to exercise all reasonable and due care to prevent injury or death to my dog off the lead – however, in the event of injury/death, except those caused by reckless acts on the part of The Service Provider, the Service Provider will not be held liable for such injury/death of my dog as a result of off-lead walking.

I freely and voluntarily enter into the Off Lead Permission Clause with the Service Provider and fully understand the above conditions.

If I the Client give Veterinary Release Permission to the Service Provider I agree to the following authorisation for my appointed vet or in an emergency the nearest Vet.

When you click our pet software registration link the client acknowledges they fully understand and accept and are bound by the Service Agreement, Policy and Procedures and any special consent clauses within our Terms and Conditions. The Service Provider advises that if the Client is unsure of any part of the above Terms and conditions they take legal advice.