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And then, there’s us. We don’t compare ourselves to other day-cares, and mostly refrain from using the term ‘day-care’ at all, because we simply aren’t the same! Our huge open field acts as a great support for nervous dogs especially. When a dog feels threatened, it will go into a ‘fight or flight’ state. We don’t take on aggressive dogs, although most will choose flight if they can anyway. Without getting too technical, this is why we commonly see dogs that are perfectly fine with other dogs becoming ‘aggressive’ when on a lead. They see a stressor and they know they are unable to use their ‘flight’ option, so will turn to ‘fight’ instead – lunging and barking on their lead. As mentioned earlier, this is often replicated in an indoor setting. Due to the nature of our outdoor Adventure Field, we often see nervous dogs finding comfort in the fact that they can run away from a situation if they need to (peace of mind!). So our field is amazing for developing confidence in these dogs, as well as obviously accommodating the crazed zoomers which wouldn’t be able to hare around should they be confined to a warehouse building. We are all natural
Our true outdoor experience allows dogs to do what they love, and the stress we have seen in indoor facilities just melts away. Dogs socialise in a natural and stress-free manner, which not only reinforces socialised dogs’ skills but lets the more nervous dogs really spread their wings and learn to play.